Arcade Map Pack

Arcade Map Pack
Uploaded by:Yourhorse
Categories:Community Patch, Latest
Latest Version:F05
Post Date:February 8, 2023
Last Updated:
March 2, 2025
Total Downloads:2198
Arcade Map pack with lots of games like
Arcade Standalone Installer included.
Arcade F05 changelog 03/03/2025
- Official EA Patch 1.03 support added
- Removed broken map Defenders of the Earth
- Updated to latest R22j
- V-35 Ox and Carryall height above ground decreased from 140 to 130.
- V-35 Ox turn radius increased from 50 to 75.
- EMP teleport exploit fix now works with the EMP control center.
- Fixed a crash issue caused by Mechapedes that are EMP’d (R22 issue).
- Fixed a crash/desync issue caused by Juggernauts being targeted by a Rift Superweapon (R22 issue).
- The Marked of Kane skirmish AI can now use EMP abilities of The Awakened and The Enlightened.
- Fixed a crash/desync issue caused by Juggernauts being targeted by a Rift Superweapon.
- The Marked of Kane skirmish AI can now use EMP abilities of The Awakened and The Enlightened.
- Reaper Tripods now shoot the correct amount of charged shots (R22g issue).
- Summernight City now spawns a cloud and lightning fx on the Tiberium Field that spawns after the Tiberium Silo is destroyed.
- The Oil Depots on Tournament Crater now deal 9000 grenade damage in a 200 radius when destroyed (comparable to Tiberium Vapor Bomb).
- Plains of Ida now displays correctly on all GPU vendors, map lighting adjusted, Tiberium Spike added per player.
- The Repair Drones support power of the Scrin no longer counts as a production queue.
- Venoms no longer will un-stealth when given an attack command before it’s weapon fires.
- The Technology Assembler when playing with -95% handicap will upgrade at the correct speed.
Arcade F04 changelog 05/05/2024
- Handicap now weakens the AI in game mode GG, AOD, TD and TM
- Engineers can now stack with other engineers. The maps below have therefore been repaired
Tiberium Blood Arena
Tiberium Razor
Tiberium Blood
Super delux Arena
Future War Arena - Green Four map has been updated to v3.1: added Ioncannon, EMP, fixed AI not always following the path and the money script has been updated.
- Two Lanes TD map desynchronisation has been solved
- Added latest Patch for Arcade FFA maps R21j
- Added customized R21 patch for GG, AOD, TD and TM maps (Original game handicap & Enigeers)
Special thanks to masterleaf for helping fixing the engineer
Games and Gamble [GG]
Play games with your friends and against your human friends.This mappack is one of the popular games of kanes wrath, a must have !!
Art of Defense [AOD]
Defend against the burtal attacks from the AI.You have to defend yourself against the many waves, play alone or together with your friend!
Free For All [FFA]
Some nice FFA maps to play with your friend or AI.You can play with teams as well but remember these ain't the usual maps.
Tower Defense [TD]
Play single or with your friend and beat the AI.This is all about defending against AI waves.
Tank Missions [TM]
These are great games to play with your friends, the objective is to reach the end of the map.spoiler alert "it won't be easy"