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<pre data-placeholder=”Перевод” data-ved=”2ahUKEwi2muDdwK-KAxVnJRAIHdK6OAYQ3ewLegQICRAU” aria-label=”Переведенный текст: I am a user from Russia, I wanted to play online. I registered through renova, entered the game through the program. When I try to enter the room, they remove me, they say that I have no connection. I installed VPN, the game version is 1.2, I tried it on the English version of the game, downloaded all the maps, and the 4k patch, but nothing helps. I really want to play online, please help.”>I am a user from Russia, I wanted to play online. I registered through renova, entered the game through the program. When I try to enter the room, they remove me, they say that I have no connection. I installed VPN, the game version is 1.2, I tried it on the English version of the game, downloaded all the maps, and the 4k patch, but nothing helps. I really want to play online, please help.
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