Neon Mappack 3 (R20b)

command and conquer patch 1.02 e1717509216250
  • Package All Downloads > > Neon Mappack 3 (R20b)
  • Version R20b
  • File Size 449 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Downloads 2
  • Create Date May 8, 2023
  • Last Updated May 13, 2023
  • Download

R20 Installer being blocked.

Windows defender is blocking the mappack 4v4 installer.
it's a false positive !!!
See the video how to fix this.

Update 1 may 2023
- Reclamator Hub repair decal now only shows to the local player.
- All Epic Unit facilities have a 25% bigger repair radius.
- Avatar bike attachment stealth detection range increased from 200 to 300.
- Redeemer tripoint laser 30d acceptable aim delta from 15d.
- Weapon ordering on Zone Raiders removed.
- Flamethrower FX added to the avatar and Purifier.
- Avatar Commandeer Technology voice sound fixed.
- Avatar missing move animation sound added.
- Harvester geometry reverted and changed to test a new fix.
- Desolator trooper has added a new map to this version and updated Mushroom Party.
- Avatar/Purifier flamethrower launch bone fixed.
- Allied Nod and GDI Repair drones now repair Mechapedes in team games.
- Voice of Kane limit of 1 removed.
- Decoy Temple of Nod now has the same description as the real one.
- Warp Chasm delay before spawning vehicles has been removed.
- GDI Mammoth Tank RGA smoke FX removed.
- Voice of Kane buff decal now only shows to the local player.
- Subway Nodes and Hubs no longer reward experience.
- Tiberian Pantanal no longer shows health bars on map objects.

Update 12 april 2023

Fixed 2 sounds of the Reaper Tripod conversion beam and Avatar Commandeer Technology voice sound

1.02+ R19-R20 Change List

Global Changes


  • Spawn coordinates of barracks and portal adjusted to match that of the hand of nod
  • Refinery xp reward reduced from 2000$ to 1400$. This is the real value of the structure when subtracting the harvester cost from 3000$.
  • Harvester geometry adjusted for GDI and Nod factions in the hope it reduces harvester bugging.
  • Harvester health bars no longer appear small.
  • The Tiberium Spike bug where engineers can be killed through it has been fixed. Engineers can now be targeted again while capturing.
  • Combat support/nod support airfields now give an infantry squad when sold off. GDI rifleman spawn with  5 / 6 members.


  • Laser Fences can no longer be cast on buildings that are in the damaged state (66% or less health), the armor buff is removed at 66% health.
  • Outpost health increased from 2300 to 3000. Unpack time reduced from 30s to 20s. Emissary/Surveyor/Explorer Health Increased from 2000 to 2600.
  • Combat Support Airfield, Nod Support Airfield hp increased from 2000 to 4000.
  • GDI/Nod Commando Sniper armor buff to survive 2 veteran Sniper Team shots. Sniper damage resistance increased from 75 to 50. Gun, grenade armor increased by 20%.
  • GDI/Nod commando weapon preference changed from most damage to most range (to prevent the commando trying to c4 walkers in the presence of infantry).
  • Infantry now take 20% less incoming damage while in cover.
  • GDI/Nod faction surveyor, emissary vision range normalized to match the Scrin Explorer.

GDI Global


  • Mammoth Tank turret rotation speed adjusted from 75 to 135.
  • MARV rotating barrel per shot animation made possible thanks to theHostileNegotiator
  • MARV now requires a t3 to build
  • The MARV’s Tiberium gathering ability is now more reliable.
  • Armory crates now appear on the Barracks when infantry armor upgrades are purchased.
  • Ion Cannon animation restored to original, slow field placed in the target area on non aircraft units.
  • GDI silo hp increased by 50% from 1000 to 1500
  • Grenadier EMP delay animation has been reduced by 50%.
  • The Hammerhead now shows an attack cursor over aircraft.
  • The Pitbull toggle ability added in 1.02+ has been removed.
  • Mammoth Tank rocket launcher damage increased by 33%. 300 -> 400.
  • The Slingshots spotlights no longer flicker.
  • AP Ammo rifle model now shows on riflemen, previously it did not.
  • Hardpoints cost reduced from 2500$ to 2000$.
  • Combat support airfield radar dish rotate animation fix
  • Mortars no longer damage friendly pitbulls
  • Golden texture for GDI airborne inf with and w/o composite armor.
  • GDI tech center armor normalized to that of the other factions.
  • GDI minedrop now has a unique decal.
  • Rig anti air damage increased from 150 to 375
  • GDI airfields, power plants no longer show night lights in placement cursor (power plant for FINAL R20).
  • Grenadier AoE increased from 30 to 40.
  • Ion Cannon “beam” stage damage increased by 50%.
  • Orca/ZOCOM Orca Sensor Pods can no longer be placed on Tiberium or enemy structures, the delay it takes for the pod to drop has been halved to 0.5s.
  • Zone Troopers/Raiders have a new effect when  jump jetting.
  • ZOCOM and Steel Talons V35 Ox transports now show decals.
  • Reclamator Hub now has hitboxes for incoming damage.
  • Reclamator Hub now shows arrows on the ramp.


  • Mammoth Tank turret rotation speed adjusted from 60 to 75.
  • Sensor Pod detection radius nerf introduced in 1.02+ undone. The detection range has been increased from 350 to 400.
  • Stratofighter cost increased from 1000$/30s to 1500$/45s.
  • AP Ammo Watchtowers now deal 15% less damage against vehicles.
  • Hammerhead range reduced from 300 to 285.
  • Shatterer rocket damage resistance increased by 15%. (100 to 85).
  • Supersonic Airstrike cost increased from 2000$ to 2500$.
  • Grenadier armor increased by 25%, sniper damage resistance increased by 25%.
  • Guardian cannon with railgun damage increased from 525 to 650.
  • Commandos/Zone Troopers/Raiders are now untargetable while using the "jump jet" ability.
  • Power Packs heal twice as fast when out of combat and idle, delay is more than halved before they start healing.



  • Juggernauts now deal 25% less damage vs vehicles except epic units.
  • Sniper damage armor of Zone Trooper Drop Pods increased


  • Juggernaut turret turn speed decreased by 25%.

Steel Talons


  •  Behemoths now deal 25% less damage vs vehicles except epic units.
  • The Steel Talon Command Post will now show the EMP Grenades model upon researching it. 
  • The Railgun Accelerator support power now deals damage to the Titan proportional to the Mammoth Tank.
  • Combat Engineer now has a laser sight and the gun no longer shows doubled whilst holstered.
  • The Titan no longer limps around until it reaches 33% health.
  • Steel Talons railgun upgrade cost reduced from 4000$ to 3000$
  • Titan collision box adjusted and occupies less space
  • Titans no longer animate when affected by emp.
  • Wolverines now spawn with veteran status with bloodhounds (previously didn’t in r19).


      • Behemoth turret turn speed decreased by 25%.



  • Sniper damage armor of Zone Raider Drop Pods increased
  • Rocket harvester xp has been fixed, this unit now ranks up properly.
  • Zone Raider anti air damage increased from 100 to 140.


  • ZOCOM Orca cost reduced to 1300$ (and xp bug fixed).
  • ZOCOM Ion Cannon cost reverted to 5000$.

Nod Global


  • Nod silo hp reduced from 3000 to 1500.
  • EMP Buggy delay has been reduced by 50%
  • Laser Turret rate of fire decreased from 2s to 2.2s, delay time before damage increased from 0.1s to 0.3s.
  • Redeemer Attack animation is not glitchy and now works properly.
  • Beam Cannon damage reduced from 150 to 125. Random pre-fire delay added to fix or improve the combine bug.
  • 50% damage received on quad turret sam turret hub removed when attacking
  • Catalyst Missile Decal remade and now is representative of the real radius.
  • Avatars no longer flicker while stealthed
  • Avatars/Purifiers now crush more reliably.
  • Vertigo AA damage increased 33% then doubled to compensate for the circle attack maneuvering. Furthermore the turret model has been fixed, as well as the stealth model. The Damage was increased from 20 to 55. The unit can only engage enemy aircraft at 180° from the rear.


  • Quad Turrets have been brought back, desync issue fixed thanks to a suggestion by DarthJane (Lauren).
  • Quad Turrets cost increased to 1500$ / 45s.
  • Quad Turret animations and issues fixed, Shredder Hub build animation provided by theHostileNegotiator.
  • Charged, Supercharged Particle Beam Shredder damage decreased to compensate for the 4th turret added by Quad Turrets. (40 to 30).
  • Charged, Supercharged Particle Beam Shredder Turrets now deal 15% less damage against vehicles.
  • Tiberium Core Missile SAM damage decreased to compensate for the 4th turret added by Quad Turrets. (225 to 168).
  • The really damaged state with Quad Turret Shredder Turrets will no longer occasionally break the turret. Turret bones have been fixed.
  • Dozer Blades armor bonus increased from 15% to 25%.
  • Radar Jamming Missile time increased from 10s to 15s.
  • Redeemer Engineering Facility animations fixed when really damaged.
  • Shadow Team range nerf in 1.02+ undone. 200 range increased to 225.
  • Vertigo Bomber reload time decreased from 12s to 10s.
  • Vertigo Disruption Pod duration increased  from 2 minutes to 4 minutes.
  • Confessor Cabals/Nod Confessors now can path through each other like all other infantry.



  • untouched


  • Raider Buggy damage with laser capacitors vs infantry increased from 50% to 75%. This should make it slightly better than the Raider Buggy without this upgrade, not worse.

Black Hand


  • Purifier infantry buffing aura radius increased by 33%.
  • Black Hand Redeemer now benefits from Purifying Flame, granting it a 30% increase to flame damage
  • Purifier husks will show a blue flame tank if the player has it researched
  • Purifying Flame flame tank damage nerfed from 300 damage to 216 damage, now it's no longer required to force fire the ground to fulfill its potential. Reload time increased from 0.1 to 0.5s.


  • Confessor Cabal rangefinder range increased from 180 to 250.
  • Black Hand Power Signature Scan 0$ reload time reduced from 60s to 45s.

Marked of Kane


  • Awakened EMP duration reduced from 5s to 4s.
  • Enlightened now prioritize vehicles over infantry.


  • Enlightened hp increased from 650 to 750.
  • Tiberium Trooper hp increased from 300 to 350.
  • Supercharged Particle Beams build time increased to 1:15 (2500$ should correspond with 1:15, not 1:00).

Scrin Global


  • Plasma Disc Launchers cost and build time reduced from 1500$/45s to 1000$/30s.
  • Annihilator/Reaper Tripod turn circle radius increased slightly. 
  • Hexapod self teleport animation speed reduced. The unit is unable to move for 2 seconds upon completing a teleport with its own ability.
  • Planetary Assault Carrier & its eight Interceptors experience reward reduced from 5000$ to 3000$.
  • The 3s spawn delay has been removed from the Warp Chasm when queuing units. 
  • Phase Field duration reduced from 40s to 30s.
  • Disintegrator damage vs infantry adjusted from 75% to 65% except vs Buzzers, where a 50% scaler applies
  • Shock Troopers hp increased by 15%.
  • Mechapedes now prioritize aircraft instead of infantry.
  • Prodigy/mastermind teleport units ability no longer resets if the ability is canceled without use
  • Eradicator Hexapod recycler is now more reliable.
  • Annihilator Tripods/Reaper Tripods now crush more reliably.
  • Scrin Harvesters now spawn from the center of the Extractor, they also fade in.
  • Growth Stimulators/Accelerators hp increased from 1500 to 2500.


  • Plasma Missile Battery upgraded with Shard Launchers clip size reduced from 15 to 7.
  • The Mechapede Crash issue has been resolved.
  • Storm Column's now have a 105% damage scaler vs Firehawks.
  • Ravagers take 25% of cloaking field support power damage like other advanced infantry units.
  • Ravager range increased from 250 to 325. Rangefinder range increased from 170 to 220.
  • Ion Storm buff duration increased from 10s to 15s.
  • Shock Trooper's now shoot moving targets more reliably.
  • Growth Accelerator/Stimulators armor normalized with other structures. HP increased from 1000 to 1500.
  • VScrin/R17 Shock Trooper blink cooldown reduced from 30s to 15s.
  • Gunwalker damage bonus to Cultists reduced from 300% to 150%.
  • Eradicator Hexapod healrate reduced by 25% with Corruptors/Mechapedes.
  • Storm Columns now shoot after the build animation has completed. This makes it consistent with the other bases defenses, fixes the firing fx of the first shot and also allows Scrin players to target a unit when it’s placed.
  • Ravager Tiberium Agitation now fires from each Ravager member a projectile that deals 1000 damage instead of a single one that deals 3000.
  • Ravager Tiberium Agitation now deals the full damage against all Scrin vehicles besides the Mechapede, where a 50% damage scaler exists.
  • Ravagers now detect stealth like all other infantry, their ability to shoot moving targets has also been improved.
  • Ravagers can now target Black Hand and MoK power plants with Tiberium Agitation (before it was limited to Nod Power Plants due to a copy paste error by EA).
  • Mechapede Disc segment damage increased vs non air targets by 50%. (1.03 stats were copied by accident in 1.02+). 



  • Untouched


  • Blue Shard ravager damage increased from 180 to 200.
  • Reaper-17 outpost speed has been normalized to all of the other outposts 50 -> 60.
  • Shardwalker damage bonus to Cultists reduced from 300% to 200%.




  • Temporal Wormhole cost increased from 1200$ to 1500$.


  • Advanced Articulator speed bonus decreased by 10% across the board, undoing the buff in 1.02.
  • Traveler-59 Disintegrator armor now normalized to all the other Disintegrators.
  • Prodigy hp has been increased to match the Mastermind (1000 to 1250).
  • Prodigy teleport range reduced from 750 to 600.